Join us for the next installment of our Sacred Traditions program. Our virtual March event will focus on Mediumship as a practice of ancestral remembrance through a panel discussion bringing together mediums rooted in African and Indigenous traditions.
Across the African Diaspora, the practice of spiritual mediumship exists as one of many embodied practices. Mediumship is a spiritual faculty that allows contact with the ancestral realm and can manifest as a number of spiritual capacities ranging from clairvoyance to prophetic dreams. Mediumship does not require initiation into any religious tradition and is practiced by people of many religious faiths across the world.
The popular practice of Spiritism or Espiritismo brought to the Americas and the Caribbean by European followers of Allan Kardec, was widespread and often practiced by traditional African religious practitioners and non-practitioners alike.
Don’t miss this virtual discussion with our guest speakers, Nancy Martinez, Kadi Janna, Afimaye Galarraga and moderator Marinieves Alba as they discuss the gifts and responsibilities of mediumship in the modern age.
No registration is required. You can view the program live on March 16 at 7 p.m. on this page. To participate in the Q&A, view this program live at the scheduled time via our CCCADI Facebook or Youtube channel.
In recognition of the role that spirituality plays in the cultures of African people and their descendants, Sacred Traditions is our series dedicated to advocating for the education and preservation of African-based Spirituality. Sacred Traditions programming is often offered in collaboration with traditional spiritual leaders, practitioners, cultural activists, and artists that retell and pass on the stories and practices that bind African descendants into one holistic family-building resilience today and into the future.
This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the New York City Council.
All events may be subject to change.