Exploring the legacy of Haiti, Our Black Nation

From January through November 2024, we are paying homage to the legacy of Haiti, the first Black independent republic. By anchoring much of our programming in our theme for the year, Lakay Se Lakay, which translates to “home is home” in Haitian Kreyòl, we create opportunities to build bridges across AfroFuture visions that are cradled through our stories, performances, discussions and an exhibition entitled BYENVENI.
By weaving the concept of Lakay se Lakay (Home is Home) into our programs, CCCADI makes a call to the shared heritage of the broader African Diaspora — especially in the western hemisphere to see Haiti as Our Black Nation and a freedom home for people of African descent.
Now, more than ever, it’s important to celebrate and learn from the legacy of shared belonging that Haiti represents. And do so by cultivating joy in the keeping of traditions, art, and culture that roots us all back to Africa.

A multimedia exhibition of contemporary Haitian Diasporic art, welcomes you to explore the captivating journey of eleven artists and to celebrate the enduring legacy of Haiti, a beacon of strength, and deep culture.
Gallery Hours:
Beginning Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 3 PM - 6 PM
Wednesdays: 11 AM - 6 PM
Every 3rd Saturday: 12 PM - 4 PM
*Gallery hours may be subject to change. Visit the page for details.
Guided student tours are available by appointment.
Learn more about BYENVENI, the featured exhibition artists and curator Yvena Despagne. Plus, mark your calendars for our public programs.

Upcoming Lakay Se Lakay events.
CCCADI signature program series as well as specially curated experiences will explore the concept of home as a space for refuge, building family and community, preservation of traditions, a foundation for cultivating joy, and the roots of sovereignty.
Stay tuned for more information about all of our upcoming themed programs!
Thank you to our Lakay se Lakay program consultant, Manolia Charlotin and our partner organizations for helping us bring this year’s programming to life: